Full Moon – 1st August 2023
Embrace Your Progress and Embrace Futuristic Solutions with Ease Greetings, fellow seekers of spiritual growth and empowerment! I’m Samantha Jayne, your spiritual coach, and today, we are delving into the celestial energies of the Full Moon at 9° Aquarius, which holds the promise of a Pivotal Vision on August 1st. As the moonlight illuminates the […]
abundance ,
Aquarius ,
Authenticity ,
Dreams ,
Emotional Tides ,
Friends ,
Full Moon ,
Futuristic Solutions ,
goals ,
Hard Work ,
Inner Peace ,
Intention ,
Letting go ,
mindfulness ,
Pivotal Vision ,
Positive Changes ,
Progress ,
Purposeful Life ,
reflection ,
self-awareness ,
Self-Care ,
spiritual growth ,
Volunteer Work ,
8 Tips to Better Meditation
Meditation isn’t complicated. However, it can still be difficult to meditate effectively and gain the most benefits from your time meditating. It’s a simple thing that requires a lot of experience to master. There are many things that can disturb your ability to focus. If you can control the variables that interfere with your focus, […]
benefits ,
challenges ,
distractions ,
environment ,
focus ,
meditation ,
posture ,
reflection ,
relaxation ,