Leo has landed!
🌞 Embrace the radiant and artistic energy of Leo as the Sun journeys through this zodiac sign! 🦁 During this empowering period from July 23rd to August 22nd, let’s turn our attention to two powerful themes that will light up our lives: Courage and Creativity. 💪 Courage is not just about bravely facing external challenges, […]
Artistic expression ,
Artistic ventures ,
Authenticity ,
Blaze of inspiration ,
Blaze of positivity ,
bravery ,
Confidence ,
courage ,
Creative endeavors ,
creativity ,
Dreams ,
Embrace the Fire ,
Empowering ,
Fearless ,
Illumination ,
Imagination ,
Inspirational ,
July 23rd to August 22nd ,
Leo Season ,
Passionate Souls ,
Positive energy ,
Radiant energy ,
Reflect ,
Self-belief ,
self-expression ,
Share creations ,
Sparks of inspiration ,
Sun in Leo ,
Supportive community ,
Transformational period ,
Uniqueness ,
Universe's energy ,
10 Tips to Help Your Business Survive Mercury Retrograde!
We are in the energy of Mercury Retrograde till the 14th May, so here are my top ten tips to use this energy in a positive way! 1 Review and revise: Use this time to review and revise your business plans, goals, and strategies. Look for areas that need improvement and make necessary changes.
Agreements ,
Astrology for Business ,
Business Owners ,
Business Plans ,
Business Strategies ,
Contracts ,
Mercury Retrograde ,
mindset ,
New Possibilities ,
Old Habits ,
Organize ,
Past Failures ,
Past Successes ,
Positive Thinking ,
Priorities ,
Rebrand ,
Reconnect ,
Reflect ,
Refocus ,
Refresh ,
Release ,
Renew ,
Spiritual Business Coach ,
Unresolved Issues ,
Workspace ,